Are Explainer Videos Useful in the Corporate World?

Are Explainer Videos Useful in the Corporate World?

Explain us with explainer videos, and we’ll listen.  This is what the audience is saying to all the marketing companies worldwide.  Did you know that online videos make up to 82% of consumer internet traffic?

The popularity of explainer videos is overwhelming!  Reports suggest that 84% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service after watching videos.  In fact, explainer video services are what companies need to boost their sales!

No, no, I am not the one stating it!  A study suggests that 97% of marketers use videos as the primary marketing strategy and 87% of video marketers are satisfied with the ROI of video marketing.

The world doesn’t run with claims but proof.  So, let’s take a look at the ways explainer videos benefit the corporate world.

Explainer Video Solutions Grabs Audience Attention

The short, crispy videos are everybody’s favourite.  No beating around the bush, just pure information!

Let me tell you a fun fact.

An individual’s attention span is lesser than a goldfish!  So, if you drag your audience to a ten-minute long video, they are likely to get diverted and leave.

The best solutions to this are the explainer videos.  Explainer video services take care of the length and information to be provided in the video.  An explainer video is a potent tool that can grab the audience’s attention within seconds.

If you wonder why our brain works that way, let me give you an example.  Imagine that you want to promote your company’s product.  You have two options- an engaging short video and a long traditional video.  What will you choose?

If your company follows the latest trends and want to bring a change, your obvious choice will be explainer videos.  Being trendy invokes curiosity in the audience as it offers them an exciting platform to watch and understand new concepts.

Who wants to settle for less when you have the best options?

no one

Explainer Video Services Simplify Complex Concepts

As a user, what is the one thing that attracts you to any content?  Isn’t it straightforward content?  How much sophistication you may want in your lives, you never want sophisticated content!

Ornamentation of language has dated long back.  So, it is always better to simplify concepts and present them to the readers.

For example, if your company has launched a software.  But nobody would want it if they don’t know its correct usage.  If you explain the steps with the written content of more than 2000 words, do you think the customers will read it?  No.

This is where the explainer video solutions are of help!  Again, I am not the one claiming it.  A survey found that 98% of people learned something from explainer videos.

You can open up so many new doors to creativity with explainer videos.  Suppose you want to explain the working of software to your users.  How do you do it with explainer videos?

You can add an animated character and make them your persona.  And, using the persona as your guide, you can show the audience the workings of the software with ease.

An animated explainer video is, in fact, one of the best ways to explain real-life scenarios that link to the company’s service and products.

Explainer Video helps you stand out against a sea of Competitors

Though famous, the utility of explainer videos is not well understood by every company.  So, it is your chance to stand out from your competitors.

Explainer videos are short.  This gives you a better chance to upload them on several popular video platforms.  For example, 88% of video marketers plan to utilize YouTube in their video marketing strategy.  Though YouTube is one of the most famous platforms, it is not the only one.

You can upload your explainer videos on Meta (Facebook), Instagram, LinkedIn, and several others.

When you upload your explainer videos across various platforms, it isn’t limited to your content page anymore.  And if your video content is exceptional, your company has a higher chance of getting viral than your competitors.

You know the way news spreads on social media!  A study found that 93% of companies increased sales because of posting an explainer video on social media platforms.  Companies can utilize explainer videos in TV ads as well!  A bouquet of users can be gathered from there.  How great is that!

Compared to long traditional videos, explainer videos don’t take up much time for the user.  And, if the video hits the right chord, the user will definitely watch the entire video and redirect to your company’s website.

With explainer videos, companies can thus improve their online presence and boost marketing sales.

Explainer Video Services Improve Memory Retention

Explainer videos triumph in all aspects!  Texts and audios do the job, but nothing works like videos!  Do you know the reason for its unflinching popularity?

Explainer videos help companies know about a brand quickly.  As explainer videos are not limited to a single platform, they can garner the audience’s attention from every nook and corner.  With videos, the audience comes to know about the benefits and unique features of a product or service.

Why do you think the audience will retain such information?  Because statistics prove that!  A video helps retain 95% of the message compared to other modes of communication.

To be precise, after a poll had been conducted, 95% of customers stated that they watched an explainer video to understand a product. 

We, human beings, get distracted easily.  And, as already mentioned, our time span is even lesser than a goldfish. 

So, it’s challenging to create videos that can catch the audience’s attention and make a place in their memory.

But, it isn’t as tough as we think.  Companies do it!  Let me reveal another fun and amazing fact!

A report states that the retention rate of an explainer video of less than a minute is 77%.  That’s huge.  All the companies need to do is hire explainer video services that can create maximum impact in a minimal time!


If the explainer video companies deliver precious concepts by breaking them into chunks—there’s nothing better than that!

There’s one more advantage of retaining information.  Users will share the information they have learned with other viewers because of the higher retention rate.  This will lead to a valid promotion through word-of-mouth, thus increasing the onsite visits.

Shoot your Conversion Rates


The more the target audience focuses on your explainer video—the better it is for conversion.  Why is the marketing team so essential for every company?

Because with the proper marketing, there will be a boost in the conversion rates.  Explainer videos can skyrocket your conversion rates if appropriately utilized.

Let me tell you a secret.  Try incorporating an explainer video in your landing page and see the difference!  I am not the one behind this claim.  A report states that a landing page with a video can boost conversion rates up to 80%.

Do you want to know more?  According to various other sources, it’s proven that explainer videos influence 90% of customers’ purchasing decisions.

So, if you want your viewers to turn into potential customers- one of the best ways is to incorporate explainer videos.

Skyrocket your Web Traffic with Explainer video services

Why would I give you false hopes?  In fact, this point is an extension of the previous one.  Along with improved conversion rates, companies will also see a boost in SEO traffic.

The more viewers visit your website, the more it’ll rank—everything is related.  Let me give you an example.

The most important and critical aspect of an online business is web traffic.  If your website has no traffic, there’s no use in working hard day and night.  How to increase web traffic? 

explainer video services

A tricky question that has a simple answer.  To increase web traffic, produce content that appeals to the target audience.

Explainer video solutions are one of the best options!  Forget audience; even Google and other search engines love videos.  For any term you search, you’ll more likely see a video first.  If your website has valuable explainer videos, you’ll see a spike in web traffic.

Another top-notch fact! 50% of search engine users will likely find your site if you integrate a video into the content.

And, if you can make your viewers stay on the website with innovative content, it will send a green light to search engines.  This will boost your website’s rankings and increase organic traffic.

Do you know the advantage of organic traffic?

  • The viewers that your company gains from search engines are highly targeted visitors.
  •   Your website has a higher chance to engage the viewers with the content.
  • This also improves the chance of companies to get their products or services sold.

And one of the most popular video platforms, YouTube influences many customers’ purchasing decisions.  So, explainer videos can never be a bad option!

Explainer Video Services are Cost-Effective

Cost Effective

Explainer videos won’t be a burden on your budget.  Companies don’t need to break their budget to create an explainer video.  Everything can be adjusted accordingly.

With the use of the latest technology and quality skills, companies can appropriately reflect their company’s message and promote their services.  You can do so at a very cost-effective rate.  All you need to do is get your hands on a quality explainer video provider.

In Conclusion

Explainer videos have been garnering a lot of attention in the modern world.  Within a few seconds, companies can develop some of the best ways to explain their products to the target audience within a few seconds.  The reasons mentioned earlier show the importance of explainer videos in the corporate world.

Acadecraft is a leading explainer video provider that caters to the clients’ requirements and delivers some of the best explainer videos.  There’s one thing you can be sure of the company—it never disappoints.  Get your best work done here!

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